Our maintenance staff consist of highly qualified individuals here to repair any items that you cannot fix yourself.
Now, how do you get maintenance to help you? Simply just submit a maintenance request via the online resident portal and a technician will come out as soon as possible. To do so, navigate to your resident portal and click on the maintenance tab located on the left-hand side of the page.
From there, click on the "Request Maintenance" button to begin your request. You may upload any additional photos for further insight into the issue you are experiencing.
Maintenance Pricing
Our maintenance pricing is simple. We begin the billing at $100 for a technician to show up to the property. From there it is $75 per hour that technician is on-site resolving the issue. If perhaps an item is damaged and needs to be replaced, the cost of said item will be billed back to your account ledger along with our fixed cost.
Keep in mind, we only charge for maintenance if the issue is found to be tenant caused. Anything previously faulty with the household is fixed free of charge.